Ryu and Ken are accosted by Guile, which causes Ryu to attack the Air Force Sergeant. An enraged Guile responds by severely beating the over-confident Ryu to the point where he is unable to leave his bed for the next few days. Afterwards, Guile chides Ken for sitting on the sidelines and watching his friend get beaten to a pulp. Ken tells Guile that he and Ryu follow a code of honor permitting one-on-one combat only, and proceeds to angrily insult Guile and his men (calling them "military meatheads") for ganging up on Ryu. Before Guile leaves the bar with his men, he tells Ryu (who refuses to stay down, despite the brutal beating he had just received) that "he has guts". Ryu is taken home by Ken, who decides to take revenge on Guile at the Air Force Base the next day. Ken loses the fight against Guile as well, but is inspired by his "street fighting" methods. Ken then suggests to Ryu that they should travel the world to improve and strengthen their skills. Their first destination on their quest for underground street fighters is Hong Kong.